Detalle del punto de anclaje. para el mantenimiento. Modèles. NA0170E - Powerciat LX - Breal. The new generation of POWERCIAT air-cooled water chillers provides an optimal solution to all cooling applications in offices, healthcare facilities, commercial premises, industrial facilities and apartment buildings These units are designed to be installed outdoors and do not require any weather protection. FRESH CO.(fabrika sokova) -Subotica Instalacija Inženjering - Beograd Paketna rashladna mašina POWERCIAT LXC 2150 HPS sa hydro-modulom ukupno 960 kW rashladnog kapaciteta Авик - Ciat Холодильные Машины Воздух - Вода. Vers: 06.08.2014 DRIFTS- OG VEDLIKEHOLDSINSTRUKS POWERCIAT 2 LX vannkjølemaskin med luftkjølt kondensator LXC vannkjølemaskin med luftkjølt kondensator og sirkulasjonspumpe Biskop Jens Nilssønsgate 5 0659 Oslo Tlf: 2324 4660 Fax: 2324 4670 Årvollskogen 30 1529 Moss Tlf: 6923 2200 Fax: 6923 2201 Industriveien 5 7080 Heimdal Tlf: 7256 5100 Fax: 7256 5105 Industrigata
PDF ry T ndus iary T er POWERCIAT2 -
CIAT meets the needs of those involved in specification and installation in the residential, services sector or industry. This vast range of solutions guarantees your CIAT partnersremain completely objective in the choice of equipment required owing to technical, geographical, economic criteria or adaptation to pre-existing situations.
CIAT - News : CIAT brings its expertise to a major healthcare. CIAT offers advice, after-sales service and suitable training for professionals to optimise their services for the Group s products. The company s international vocation is now a reality, with over half of our sales generated outside France. . ILDC POWERCIAT LX LXH - LXC 19 models To minimise the operating costs and environmental impacts of high capacity models, CIAT has developed the POWERCIAT2 range which combines the best of new technologies and guarantees you unprecedented performance levels. The PowerCIAT program was subjected to CIAT s test platform during its research and development phase by our engineering and design teams, esteemed by their peers in heat engineering as a reference in the field. Every product POWERCIAT LX-LXC-LXH series R134a. DE - 2 Einführung Bei den POWERCIAT der Serien LX - LXH - LXC handelt es sich um Flüssigkeitskühler mit luftgekühltem Verflüssiger. Alle Geräte werden werkseitig geprüft. Air cooled POWERCIAT LX R134a chillers AIR CONDITIONING - HEATING - REFRIGERATION - AIR HANDLING - HEAT EXCHANGE - NA 08.592 B 3 POWERCIAT LXH series. CIAT equipped it with two Xtra Low Noise version Powerciat LXC 1800 air-cooled water chillers. Each delivers a capacity of 320 kW. It also installed 23 Airclean/Airtech air handling units to deliver conditioned air to the operating theatres and to the Coadis, Major 2 and UTA Compact comfort units inside the clinic. Ipari Klíma Kft Kecskemét - Klíma javítás, folyadékhűtő.
NA592_Powerciat LX R134a Heat Pump Air Conditioning. CIAT. Series Powerciat LX. Manual de mantenimiento. - Página. Die PowerCIAT enthalten serienmäßig eine Komplettausrüstung, was eine einfache und kostengünstige Installation „Plug Cool“ ermöglicht. Air cooled chillers POWERCIAT LX R407C AIR CONDITIONING - HEATING - REFRIGERATION - AIR HANDLING - HEAT EXCHANGE - NA 08.531 B 1 USE The new generation of POWERCIAT LX water chillers. P O W ER C IA T LX Water chillers 1HEAT PUMPS- AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION - AIR HANDLING - HEAT EXCHANGE - NA 12.592 B Use The new generation of POWERCIAT LX water…. POWERCIAT LX-LXC-LXH POWERCIAT LX 1800X to 4800X HPS 4850X HPS to 6600X HPS Fused disconnect safety switch l l Control circuit transformer l l Electrical cabinet wire numbers l l All-season operation (min. outdoor temp.: -15°C) l l RS485 communication interface l l Water flow controller l l Star-delta starting of compressors. DOC City Passage - Beograd -
Air cooled chillers - Partener CIAT in Romania. Kaltwassersätze - CIAT - Air-cooled POWERCIAT LX R134a chillers AIR CONDITIONING - HEATING - REFRIGERATION - AIR HANDLING - HEAT EXCHANGE - NA 09.592 A 1 USE The new generation of POWERCIAT LXwater chillers offers. CIAT PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL CIAT PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL POWERCIAT 2 Range : POWERCIAT2 LX - LXC series High energy efficiency (HEE) class A version.
Néhány kép az általunk javított berendezésekről: CIAT, AQUACIAT, POWERCIAT, HYDROCIAT, AQUALIS LD - LDC - LDH - ILD - ILDC - ILDH LX - LXC - LXH LJA - LJH LP - LPC ALS, ALD, ALC, AGS, AGZ-D, AGZ-B, AWS, Kaeser hűtveszáritó, Piovan folyadékhűtő, McQuay folyadékhűtő. NA08592 Powerciat LX R134a - Breal.
Ciat Powerciat LXC Handbücher.
PDF NA08592 Powerciat LX R134a - Breal. 101_NA04528D_AQUALIS Hvac Air Conditioning. POWERCIAT water chillers LX. offers an optimal solution to all the refrigeration applications. LX - LXH - LXC. group 2 sizes 1200Z (HPS) to 1850Z (HPS) group 3 sizes 2150Z (HPS) to 2800Z (HPS) group 4 sizes 3050 HPS to 3750 HPS. Cooling capacity. POWERCIAT LXC serie The design of POWERCIAT LXC units is identical to the one of POWERCIAT LX These units integrate the a compact hydraulic equipment 1 monocellular centrifugal hydraulic pump (single or twin pump) 1 expansion vessel (80 liters) 1 automatic air vent 1 manual air vent 1 safety valve calibrated at 4 bars A drain.
Powerciat 2 - NA1323C - CIAT - PDF Catalogue Technical. Hotel Galerija Subotica Rashladni agregati POWERCIAT LX 2150 HPS, AQUACIAT LD 400V, klima komore, kasetni fan coil uređaji Melody Hotel President Subotica Rashladni agregati, klima komore Hotel PATRIA Subotica Rashladni agregat POWERCIAT LW 2500 HPS, dry cooleri EUROPA 2, klima komore. POWERCIAT2 is available in a hydraulic LXC version, with or without buffer tank (as an option) for a quick, easy and economical set-up. We select the very best hydraulic equipment and fit and test it in the factory, which limits the risks at the installation and facilitates assembly NA09592 Powerciat LX R134a - EUROCONFORT - Partener. PDF NA14710B Powerciat2 VL - Intel trade. POWERCIAT LX R134a 4 Air cooled chillers LXH - LXC series The ALL INTEGRATED solution The PLUG and COOL solution offered by POWERCIAT LXH - LXC The hydraulic equipment integrates all the components necessary for the correct operation of the installation : - 950 litres insulated buffer tank (LXH only) - 80 litres expansion vessel. ND0170G - Powerciat LX - Холодопроизводительность: от 20 до 300 кВт Теплопроизводительность: от 21 до 300 кВт. Ry T ndus iary T er POWERCIAT2 - The CIAT electronic control module performs the following main functions: n control of chilled water temperature n control of water temperature based on the outdoor temperature (water law) POWERCIAT 2 LX-LXC EQUIPMENT 2800X to 6400X. - CIAT XTRACONNECT2 electronic control module - Casing for outdoor installation LXC version LXC version + buffer tank I_X version L)(C version DC version + buffer tank litres mm mm mm mm 5196 6378 7015 5436 6762 8391 Evaporator Air-cooled.
Nominal current for cables selection = add the maximum nominal currents.
Kaltwassersätze - EINSATZBEREICH Kaltwassersätze Schraubenverdichter CIAT-Rohrbündel-Direktverdampfer Hydraulikmodul-Versionen Plug and Cool HPS-System (High Power System) Nur Kühlbetrieb Die neue Generation von Kaltwassersätzen, POWERCIAT LX, bietet eine optimale Lösung für alle Kühlprozesse in der Klimatisierung und in der Industrie. POWERCIAT LX Water chillers Screw compressors CIAT dry expansion shell and tubes evaporator Version with hydraulic module Plug and Cool H.P.S. equipment (High Power System) Cooling capacity : Cooling Hydraulic module 370 to 1500 kW Heat recovery Use The new generation of POWERCIAT LX water chillers offers an optimal solution to all the refrigeration applications encountered PDF Air cooled chillers - Partener CIAT in Romania. POWERCIAT2, bringing together new technologies to create the reference in high performance POWERCIAT2 At the heart of CIAT systems The exceptional performance levels of POWERCIAT2 PDF Air condensation water chillers - Intel trade. Products, installation and service in the sector of refrigeration, air conditioning. Distribution of CIAT, AIRWELL, HAIER, BELIMO, HYGROMATIK and CRISTOPIA products and systems. PDF NA0170E - Powerciat LX - Breal. Read the 2017 / 2018 catalogue Residential air/air heat pump Stella HV+ Mambo High energy efficiency with full inverter technology, Extra low noise, Compact solution for perfect integration, Self-cleaning functio. NA592_Powerciat LX R134a - PDF Document. POWERCIAT LXC serie Low temperature glycol water (LX unit only) The design of POWERCIAT units LXC is identical to the one Phases control relay of POWERCIAT LX Electronic expansion valve These units integrate the a compact hydraulic equipment. Powerciat 2 - NA1323C - CIAT - PDF Catalogues - ArchiExpo.